So, right now I am in the process of crossing three things off the Life List in the next three weeks!
Firstly I am growing my first ever moustache in preparation for “Movember” (the question is: do I go for the Guido the pimp look OR Pablo the pool guy look?) I hate facial hair and I hate shaving so it’s a no win situation except soon it will be another thing I can cross off the list. I am currently sporting a horrible scratchy beard and surprised to find a lot of black in it being naturally brown/reddish……..and the few odd greys! So in a couple of weeks I will carve away and come out with a bitching handle bar Mo.
The more serious goal I am currently undertaking is to quit
cigarettes. For those of you that know me, yes, again! From twenty years of a
pack a day I have not had one now for five days! I have been taking the Champix
pill as an aid to quitting for three weeks now and what a ride that is!! Apart
from hyper activity, severe mood swings, shaking, anxiety and hallucinations the side effects
include crazy dreams that are extremely vivid.
Last night in a dream I was hanging out with Danny Trejo (Was it the moustache!?!) He shoved a pipe through the back wall of a store as I looked on then he hit the end of it and it exploded. I looked through a gap in the wall and there were nails raining down on everyone inside the store. He ripped open a larger hole in the wall and winked at me with that menacing tough guy grin and fired off another pipe bomb of nails into the store. Apparently I was the lookout because I saw some security guards rushing towards us and I yelled, "Danny, time to go”, he looked at me still grinning and turned back grabbing a grinder off the shelf and started strangling security guards with the power cord. I remember being transfixed on the spot horrified and justifying it by thinking “it’s just a movie, he won’t really kill them……..will he?” just before they swarmed us we ran through the backstreets to his place. When we got there exhausted and excited from the adventure………he offered me a cigarette - that’s when I woke up!
Last night in a dream I was hanging out with Danny Trejo (Was it the moustache!?!) He shoved a pipe through the back wall of a store as I looked on then he hit the end of it and it exploded. I looked through a gap in the wall and there were nails raining down on everyone inside the store. He ripped open a larger hole in the wall and winked at me with that menacing tough guy grin and fired off another pipe bomb of nails into the store. Apparently I was the lookout because I saw some security guards rushing towards us and I yelled, "Danny, time to go”, he looked at me still grinning and turned back grabbing a grinder off the shelf and started strangling security guards with the power cord. I remember being transfixed on the spot horrified and justifying it by thinking “it’s just a movie, he won’t really kill them……..will he?” just before they swarmed us we ran through the backstreets to his place. When we got there exhausted and excited from the adventure………he offered me a cigarette - that’s when I woke up!
Anyhoo, helping me quit the cigarettes is the training I’m doing for next month’s main goal, running a 10km. It’s not much further than the 9km I did last month but the weather is warming up which will make a big difference and running around Homebush Olympic Park won’t be anywhere near as inspiring as running over Sydney Harbour Bridge was for the last run but, I made my list and by the time I finish that run in three weeks I will be able to cross the above three things off the life list!
So that’s what’s happening at the “mo”. Tune in for the next update where I will be smoke free and revealing the plans underway to cross up to TEN travel goals off the list in one swoop early next year as well as making inroads on the movie goals. Please feel free to add a comment at the bottom of the blog, I would love to hear any suggestions or general thoughts. You can also submit your email for updates to be sent to you.
Writing this down is the power so reading it is the fuel, thank you!